Cure Violence Model


Hope 4 Johnstown is in the process of bringing a program modeled after Cure Violence Global to stop the violence.

Cure Violence programs works on the premise that violence is contagious and acts like an infectious disease. Once violence erupts, it spreads like an infection among the people it touches.

Violence is also a socially learned behavior, and thus individuals who are exposed to violence are more likely to engage in it. Rather than placing blame on individuals who have been raised in a violent environment, we are developing a program that will break the cycle of violence and change social norms.

There are three critical elements to our program: Highly trained individuals with social credibility work in the community to detect incidences that can lead to violent outcomes, and stop them before the escalate. The workers also help change the attitudes of individuals who engage in violence. Lastly, the community must mobilize to spread the word that violence is unacceptable.

"Treating Violence as An Epidemic Disease"

For more information:

Meet Our Cure Violence Interrupters


Cure Violence Interupter


Cure Violence Interrupter

If you are age 18-25, you can help us better understand our community! Please help us by taking a short, 10-15 min survey. Thank you!

Our Partners in Fighting Violence

Hope 4 Johnstown has many community partners in its effort to stop violence including, but not limited to:

Penn Highlands Community College

University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown

Greater Johnstown School District

Highland Health Clinic

The Drug Coalition